Official statement

This white paper is intended to be a service description for the ITSBLOC team and may be reviewed and revised according to the project schedule and progress.

The contents of this white paper only reflect the direction and progress of the business and may be changed from time to time after the date of completion.

Versions of this white paper may be changed and updated periodically as needed to modify the content. You may not copy, modify, or distribute all or part of this white paper in any country or region where the contents of this white paper are illegal.

In addition, if people in a country or region illegally recognize and invest in this white paper, such investment is their responsibility and the ITSBLOC team is not legally responsible for it.

The contents of this white paper shall not be liable for errors, scheduling delays and related matters that may occur during the delivery and development of the service, and shall not be held responsible by anyone.

The content of this white paper cannot be construed in any case as legal, financial, accounting, or tax advice, and the purchase and use of $ITSB tokens may result in policies and laws, finance, accounting, or taxation in each country and region.

This may require purchase and user legal advice, and the ITSBLOC team is not responsible for this.

This white paper contains future plans and is based on the implementation of the plan.

However, this is not guaranteed, and the contents of this white paper do not guarantee the integrity of the services that will be developed in the future.

ITSBLOC teams, such as third-party system attacks, natural disasters, and force majeure, may delay ecosystem creation or cause other tangible and intangible losses.

The ITSBLOC team is not responsible for the buyer's risk of losing or leaking the buyer's private key.

Events such as falling coin value, changing market environment, uncertainty, political risk, competition with competitors, and this can disrupt development of $ITSB tokens and platforms or change services.

The ITSBLOC team does not delegate or transfer all decisions, including ecosystem operations.

Last updated