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DK Mobile : Genesis is a realtime MMORPG, the first on-chain game of ITSBLOC
'DK Mobile : Return of heroes', the first series, is a MMORPG that has about 1.0 million global users all over the world since 2021 and is still loved by huge number of users.
Set in a medieval fantasy world, intense PK at the level of “Lineage”, quests, and item farming . This also provides a productive experience of asserting (NFT) and trading your characters and items. 'DK Mobile: Genesis', the third series of DK Mobile, is the first on-chain game on the ITSBLOC platform. It is a game equipped with a P2E system in 'DK Mobile: The Origin', which was released in August and gained popularity as the first free-to-play MMORPG as the second series of DK Mobile. In addition to no in-app purchases, DK Mobile's unique P2E system, such as a season system that focuses on user play rather than mining, allows users to receive substantial rewards as much as time spent in the game. It is possible to acquire valuable items through monster hunting, quest clearing, PVP, etc., and it can be converted directly into the form of an asset. DK Mobile : Genesis' Season 1 was on-chained released on ITSBLOC at the end of Oct, 2022. Season 2 is scheduled to be released in Q1 2023.
Recent Records (DK Mobile : Return of Heroes, 2021)
1.9M+ Download | 86,294+ Monthly Active Users (MAUs) 72,199+ mNRU (Monthly New Registered User) Total number of users 704,687+ 803,074+ character creation
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