Stable Coin (USDC)
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USDC is an official stable coin for ITSBLOC Project, and its token volatility is very low . This characteristic of USDC will work to minimize the volatility of tokens that can affect the token ecosystem within the payment system of the ITSBLOC Platform. Users can use a mixture of USDC and Game Token for in-app purchases within the ITSBLOC Platform, or convert the goods obtained through game play into USDC to earn profits. Users can minimize the possibility that the price of IAP will change according to the volatility of the token price, can reliably predict the revenue to be obtained through play, and finally be able to reliably guarantee the revenue from the game. For example, Users could sell their items after the season is ended in DK mobile Genesis Season 1, Florine has been exchanged for USDC vouchers, and USDC vouchers to USDC.